Wednesday, December 6, 2006

Testing, testing...

First post on this new blog. My default one that I'm not updating very much is at LJ. As some of you may know, I have another LJ, as well. I'm considering the decision to migrate to Blogger Beta, seeing that it's been adopted by Google, while this Eric Case guy is trying to sell it to me - for free! But why?

Google seems to be producing a lot of these little promo videos. I don't know why I bother listening to them or watching them at all. The first time, I tried Google Reader and it just didn't work properly. I was very disappointed, hurt and traumatised. I learned my lesson. Now, I try to distance myself from these Google engineers who blab on incessantly about how exciting and stream-lined their new product is. I try not to get too emotionally attached as they promise me the world in each of these videos.

I'm still contemplating whether I should move my blog or just make a post here saying "Just check my LJ". Eric Case says "it's a fancy, fast and competitive product." I don't know if I trust these people anymore. I remember the old adage: "Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me."

I've moved back from Gmail to Windows Live Mail (formerly known as Hotmail). I use YouTube and not GoogleVideo. I don't use MySpace; I use Facebook, but I'm debating that one, as well. I got rid of Friendster.

Anyhow, for the time being..."Just check my LJ".

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